Sunday, 6 July 2014

Ravioli with a twist

The ravioli is a revolutionary dish and the genesis of this artistic potpourri asIi call it goes back to Italy. The authentic tastes of food has changed over the years and have attained a global vista. Despite a meagre number of Italian food joints in India, the ravioli has come full circle and established itself into the palate of the Indian food connoisseurs like the pizza- quite ironical.

Cheese Souffle

The reigning deity of fast and tastier food is perhaps cheese which goes into the making of appetizing food contingent. To satiate our hunger pangs the fluffy cheese souffle is a must try for a quick snack. Remarkably unique in taste and look, it is also gaining in popularity. I feel that such a dish can give one the leeway to do fusion and experiment if one has a creative inclination.

The Mango Cheesecake

Love of food exceeds all other human desires. And true to this credo, right from the nascent stage of human civilization men have been discovering, creating, innovating and redefining delectable food. The goodness of food to satiate hunger or craving have lead to exotic food variants- enriched with flavour, taste and essential nutrients to suit our palate. It is basically an equitable combination of nature and originality which has paved the way of the unprecedented stride of the food industry. Human oeuvre, enthusiasm and passion for creativity have inspired them to make a paradigm shift of the food trade from the local pantheon towards global arena. The treasure trove of recipes over the decades which hitherto had a small territory has now assumed a wide-ranging stature.

A pot of convenience- the exceptional Moussaka

In the hustle of the modern life, we are not usually in the mood of an elaborate meal; one dish meals come handy when time is premium, especially for working couples. These convenient and well-balanced meals with the winning combination essential nutrients and taste cater well to our busy schedules and are a boon, actually. In the international arena too, such meals have become a part of the regular repertoire. Moreover, one dish meals are hassle free and easy to cook. What’s more, they also save the bother of clearing the clutter and endless washing. One such exciting option is the moussaka which I prepare with a twist.

Pineapple Malpuas

To truly savour the quintessential culinary offering, one has to commence into the most abiding recipes my mom has to offer. Endowed with ‘golden hand’, she is epitome of cuisine and her forte is Bengali sweets. One’s palate will definitely be seduced by her cooking known for its incredible fare. Her overtly generous servings of love and opulent food- a result of generations of passionate obsession with its creation has resulted in creating this masterpiece.